RABO Business Relay

400m swim – 9km bike – 2km run

12th september 2024

Team-Relay series for organizations and companies. You can join with a team of three of your colleagues. This triathlon consists of a 400 meter swim course, followed by a 9 km bike course and 2 km run course.

Each team member completes the three parts of this triathlon before he or she gives the timing chip to the following athlete. When the last athlete of the team arrives in the stadium, the team finishes together.

Rabo Business Relay

Business Relay
Rabo Business Relay Bronze Silver Gold
Whole period EUR 395.00 EUR 495.00 EUR 695.00


– Participation Rabo Business Relay for 1 team (3 pers.).
– Pasta party after the relay.
– After party after the relay.
– 6 vitality workouts.
– Logo(20×30 cm) on “Challenge Family Member” banner.
– Access to the VIP tent during the Europe Triathlon Long Distance Championships. (3 tickets)
– Access to the kick-off meeting and press conference.
– Finisher Shirt
– Finisher Medal


– Participation Rabo Business Relay for 1 team (3 pers.).
– Pasta party after the relay.
– After party after the relay.
– Access to 6 vitality workouts.
– Logo(20×30 cm) on “Challenge Family Member” banner.
– Finisher Shirt
– Finisher Medal


– Participation Rabo Business Relay for 1 team (3 pers.).
– Pasta party after the relay.
– After party after the relay.
– Access to 6 vitality workouts.
– Finisher Shirt
– Finisher Medal


– 1st team – 0%
– 2nd team – 10%
– 3rd team – 15%
– 4th team (and more) – 20%

Zone3 Swim course

400 meter

The swim course will go directly to the transition zone in the Lumierepark. The first start will be from the water, 2nd and 3rd athlete will have a dive start.

Bike course

1 lap of 9 km

The bike course will bring you to the former ‘Floriade’ by taking the bridge from the beach, After a small lap there you will cycle to Almere Haven before turning back along the Weerwater for your second transition.

Run course

1 lap of 2km

The run course will bring you back from Transition 2 to the finish or Relay Zone. The course will take you to the Stedenwijk-side of the Weerwater!

Pletzer Resorts
Anfi Group
Milieu Service Nederland
Almere City Marketing
Provincie Flevoland
Europe Triathlon
De Boer wetsuits
Quintana Roo
Challenge Family
GPS Buddy